The best and highest use of the 5G broadcast spectrum is serving the public interest.

5G Broadcast for Resilient Emergency Systems

XGN is actively pioneering the integration of 5G Broadcast into dynamic road signs and Emergency Alert Systems (EAS), recognizing its potential to revolutionize public safety. Our approach involves collaborating to showcase the tangible benefits of 5G Broadcast in real-world scenarios.

When cellular service falters during a crisis, 5G Broadcast emerges as a critical lifeline for Emergency Alert Systems (EAS). Unlike traditional cellular networks that rely on point-to-point connections, 5G Broadcast operates on a one-to-many model, transmitting signals directly to a wide area. This inherent design allows EAS to function even when cell towers are overloaded, damaged, or completely offline. XGN recognizes this vital advantage and is actively promoting the deployment of 5G Broadcast for resilient EAS.

Imagine road signs seamlessly receiving and display dynamic traffic rerouting instructions during an emergency, enabling rapid, simultaneous updates to a vast network of road signs. In situations where conventional cell service is compromised, XGN's 5G Broadcast solutions can ensure that critical emergency alerts, including evacuation orders, hazard warnings, and safety instructions, reach the public. Because of the broadcast technology, the message is sent once, and received by all devices simultaneously, rather than needing to send an individual message to each device. This ensures that even if cellular infrastructure is incapacitated, citizens with compatible devices can still receive essential information, enabling them to take timely and appropriate action. This is a vital component in creating a resilient and reliable emergency communication network.

By providing free Proof of Concept deployments, XGN is empowering governments and emergency response teams to experience firsthand the transformative potential of 5G Broadcast, paving the way for its widespread adoption and ultimately, a safer, more informed public.

Solutions for First Responders